miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Book Report Format

If the chosen doesn't have activities, you have to write a book report including: Title, author, setting, characters, main events, problem, conflict, conclusion. Did you like the book? why?. (150-200 words of summary).

5 comentarios:

bren briz dijo...

Teacher Ayer la estuve buscando pero no la encontre y mis compañeros no me avisaron cuando fueron a buscarla. Me preocupa que no la vea en esta semana. Podría darme su correo y se lo envió por correo? O se lo subo al blog

bren briz dijo...

Atentamente Brenda briz

bren briz dijo...

Atentamente BrendaBriz 511

bren briz dijo...

Title: The Secret Garden
Author: Frances Hodgon Burnett
Setting: The story took place in India (at the beginning), then it develops in the North of England
Mary Lennox: A selfish, disagreeable and bad tempered girl, but then she was friendly and very happy.
Komala: Mary’s servant
Archibald Craven: Mary’s uncle
Martha: The new Mary’s servant when she arrived to her uncle’s house
Dickon: Brother’s Martha
Colin: Mary’s cousin
Summary (Main events problem, conflict, conclusion)
In India lived a girl called Mary Lennox with her parents, but some day a very hard disease attacked India and the people who lived with Mary (her servants and her parents) was died. For the next days Mary didn’t have home, until she travelled to her aunt’s house on the North of England. During this time Mary was a selfish girl, she never thinks in another person, just in herself, she wasn’t be polite.
Mary arrived at her uncle’s house, He was called Archibald Craven, but he has a crooked back and ten years before, he lost his wife, for that reason Mr. Craven had bad tempered and he was always sad.
The new house in Yorkshire was horrible to Mary; she hated live in that place. One day Mary met at her servant, Martha, she was lovely and friendly; she was so different to Komala, her old servant who always was rude. First Mary was bitter and she didn’t accept the change, but then she started to love the moor and the persons who live with. Finally she understood that her bad tempered never helped her. Although she stayed alone, she felt more company than India.
Mary had listened about The Secret Garden; Mr. and Mrs. Craven spent hours in the garden, but one day Mrs. Craven was sitting on the branch, and it broke, so she fell. For the next she was badly hurt and then, she died. For that reason Mr. Craven hated The Secret Garden, and nobody could enter in it. Nobody knew where the Secret Garden’s key was. Even so, Mary wanted to find the secret garden.
With the time Mary listened shouts and crying of a child and she asked Martha if she knows what was it, but she didn’t tell the truth. Mary couldn’t stay without answer.
Mary was a better girl, she had more friends, she was adorable and friendly with everybody. Mary spent a lot of time with Dickon (Martha’s brother) and Robin (a bird).
Someday, thanks Robin, Mary founded the Secret Garden’s key and with Dickon, they took care of the Garden.
One night Mary listened shouts and crying again, and she but with the time he was changing. For weeks Colin went out to the secret garden, just Martha’s mom and the garden knew the secret.
While, Mr. Craven was travelling, but he decided to return. When he arrived at home, nobody was in home, and he decided to visit the Secret Garden. He pushed the door and saw a healthy and handsome boy. The boy saw Mr. Craven, and then he said: - Father, I’m Colin. You can’t believe it! It was the garden, Mary and the magic that made me well. Aren’t you happy? I’m going to live forever and ever.
Mr. Craven put his hands on the Colin’s shoulders, he loved him so much. That afternoon all the friends of Mary had the greatest shock of their lives, and lived happy forever.
Did you like the book? Yes, because is a beautiful story about how Mary’s behavior changes and how it affect her life and people who she loves. Also I like when Mary met Colin and how Colin’s life changes, he discovered a new life, new friends, beautiful games, and Secret Garden everybody happy. The end is the best, it’s nice that Colin and his father could reconciliation.


bren briz dijo...

My likes and dislikes
My name is Brenda Briz Avilés. I'm 17 years old.
About my likes
I like doing exercise in my free time, for example I love swimming or doing intensity workout. For three years I was doing box.
I like reading, I dont mind reading different kind of books, but I prefer novels.
Also I love spending time with my family and my boyfriend.
Finally I love going yo school, because I can do many friends, and with them I enjoy a lot my time in the school.
About my dislikes
I hate doing nothing, because it's a waste of time. Also, I don't like eating fast food, I prefer mom's food. In addition with the food, I hate eating pumpkins, squash, eggs and ham. The last two food have been a problem, because many people like eating eggs with ham or individually, and for years I have to explain why I don't like it and eat other kind of food.