viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

Germany" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=bb&il=1&channel=3098476543652352226&" style="width:400px;height:320px" name="flashticker" align="middle">

martes, 16 de junio de 2009



A).- Read the following questions and discuss your answers in groups of four

1.- Do you use technology?

2.- What do you think about technology?

3.- Will it be necessary in your future studies? Why?

4.- What kind of devices do you use in your dialy life?

5.- Does technology support language as communication?

6.- How will technology affect the classrooms in the future?

7.- How will it benefit the teachers?

8.- Is technology our present and future?

B).- Listen and watch the video,

C).- After watching the video, re- think your answers,

D).- Finally, share your ideas with your groups.

lunes, 15 de junio de 2009


Hola a todos!

Me da mucho gusto poder presentarles este curso a través de esta herramienta que va a ser nuestro punto de trabajo a lo largo de este ciclo escolar. Es muy importante que entren al sitio, lo exploren y tengan la confianza de decirme, si hay algo que no está claro o que quieran que se revise detalladamente. Es importante que estemos en comunicación y no olviden que todas las actividades y proyectos a desarrollar en clase se van a publicar a través de este medio.

Bienvenidos a este ciclo escolar y suerte!

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009


Visit this site and in groups of three, choose ONE of the four activites and prepare it for next April 2nd. The poster has to be ( 90 x 45)

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2009

If I were...

Write a paragraph, aswering the following questions.

Imagne, you are a famous person, think who would you like to be?, Where would you like to live? When would you like to live? (in the sixties, eighties, forties), How would you like to live?, What would you like to eat and drink?, How would you like to travel? How would you like to dress?

Giving advice

What would you say in the following situations?

A). You see your best friend's boyfriend with another girl. Which advice would you give?

B). Your sister has a terrible headache. What would you tell her?

C). You have just watched an excellent movie. How would you reccomend it?

D). You know a girl who is pregnant and her parents don't know about it . What would you suggest?

E). One of your cousins smokes a lot. What would you tell him/her?

domingo, 11 de enero de 2009

Love, hate, desire

INSTRUCTIONS: After you have done units 5A and 5B
A) Write a letter to one of your favorite friends, describing which activities you like doing and the ones you hate them.
B) You have to use at least 5 of the following verbs:
Love, hate, like, enjoy, can´t stand, dislike, want, hope, be interested in, feel like, dislike.
C) To be accepted this activity, you need to write at least 3 paragraphs.

Writing storms

The idea of this exercise is to get students to quickly write about a topic they choose (or you assign). These short presentations are then used in two manners; to generate spontaneous conversations on a wide range of topics, and to take a look at some common writing problems.
You will have exactly five minutes (reduce or extend the writing time as you feel is appropriate) to write about a subject on the list below. Just write what you can write in 5 minutes!!
Don't worry about your writing style, but, rather, you should focus on quickly writing down their feelings about the topic you have chosen.

Writing Storms

The best thing to happen to me today
The worst thing to happen to me today
Something funny that happened to me this week
What I really hate!
What I really like!
My favorite thing
A surprise I had
A landscape
A building
A monument
A museum
A memory from childhood
My best friend
My boss
What is friendship?
A problem I have
My favorite TV show